Limba Muzicei si Jocului (The language of music and dance)
3 x Unique state woodblock prints and accompanying zines
This series of prints incorporates various mixtures of warm and cool tones. I have used carved linework and mediums such oil paint to create a textural under painting as a basis for my prints. The circular, double sided works can be installed in differing ways to alter the viewers perception and experience of the work.
I have made this work based on my passion, upbringing and personal cultural influence. This artwork explores my interest in Romanian and other international dances, like the Kecak, because of the emotive messages these dances convey. I also admire that these traditional dances can bring unification across different backgrounds and is a form of language that many people appreciate. The print series so for has been influenced from Catelenian music and the Kecak and I hope to share these special art forms with those who take a copy of my zine.
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