Carry and clutch, 2024​​
Stoneware and Earthenware​

The intention of the items are to be picked up and held whilst exploring the texture to feel the clay body and glaze. Through these items, I explore how modern humans can connect with personal tokens or good luck charms, small objects that can hold personal significance through the use of touch. By rethinking the context of ceramic works where we as the viewer do not have the ability to physically interact with the item, my aim is to create a fresh perspective on how we engage with them in our daily lives. By creating these small objects to be carried and held in daily life. These small items become vessels for positive intentions and well-wishing, offering a tangible focal point for our thoughts and emotions.​

These pieces are designed with the intention of being worn or carried over time. The materials, such as glaze or clay, are removed or wiped away to offer the impression of these items having the ability to wear down and change, showing the passage of time and the items continued daily use. ​

As the surface would erode over time, it would reflect a history of physical interaction and emotional connection of the viewer. The charm becomes a physical representation of the user's wishes, and thoughts, slowly eroding as it is held and used over time. In this way, the piece would change and mold to it's user, showing a physical representation of a person's thoughts and feelings. ​
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